Oyster Dome Juneteenth 2024

Oyster Dome

Now that my foot is doing better I am determined to make up for lost time. Today, to better prepare for my volunteer shift on Saturday for Washington Trails Day, I drove north to do the Oyster Dome hike. What a beautiful day!

We will be at the Oyster Dome (and Lily Lake) trail head on Saturday and I wanted to make sure I could find it and I wanted to be able to tell any hikers who might ask about this hike.

As for this hike it is 4.35 miles and about 1100 feet of elevation gain. It is a nice hike, well maintained trail, and it alternates between fairly level terrain and modestly steep switchbacks. It is a good workout. And 3 hours 15 minutes on the trail with no pain.

The trail itself is entirely in the forest, a very nice 2nd growth forest but Oyster Dome itself (see above) has a tremendous view.

Here is a sample of the trail:

Along The Trail

And here is a view from the parking lot – not bad for not having to hike at all:

Bellingham Bay

From where I live it is about 70 miles, the last four or so on a dirt road. So it takes a little effort to get there but is well worth it..

I will be back on Saturday greeting hikers. It was crowded today (perhaps because it is Juneteenth) and I expect a lot of people on Saturday. Should be fun.

The track:


Teneriffe/Si Father’s Day 2024

Derek and Camden

Today, Father’s Day, 6/16/2024 I did a hike with Derek and Cam, starting on the Teneriffe Trail, cutting over via Roaring Creek to where it intersects the Talus Loop Trail where we turned around and went back. We did that instead of pushing on because Cam’s heels were getting very sore. Ouch!

Cam stayed with us last night, we had a great time, and we met his dad at the Preston Park and Ride. I drove from there to Teneriffe.

We were prepared for rain and it was a bit rainy, but not bad, particularly in the forest:

The Forest

About 4.2 miles and two hours. I am now in Physical Therapy for my arthritic foot and it might be helping as I had no pain today at all.

There may be hope.