Christmas Lake 7/28/2024

Rattlesnake Ledges

I finally was able to get out to the mountains and forest today. My last hike was OK until the next morning when my arthritic foot acted up. Depressing. I have been exercising it (per the PT therapist’s direction) and icing it and I tried it out again today. What I did was about the same length as the Granite Creek hike but not as steep.

As of now, a couple of hours after the end of the hike, foot is still fine. I am hoping it stays that way tomorrow as well.

It was a fun outing, I went partway up the Cedar Butte trail, then went back via Christmas Lake (below):

Christmas Lake/Rattlesnake Mountain

And then up to the Education Center and back.

There was a huge marathon going on, the Jack and Jill Downhill Marathon so the place was busy. I have to be impressed with people who can run 26 miles. Respect!

Granite Creek Trail 7/15/2024

Moolock Mountain

After several weeks of physical therapy (PT) I felt ready to head out to the mountains but not in shape to do anything truly strenuous. I will be working up to that. My PT therapist suggested cross-training so I got my bike fixed (new tires and inner tubes) and, if I don’t wimp out, I will be taking the inflatable kayak out as well.

So, biking, hiking, and kayaking. If I am not too lazy to make it all happen I should be getting into better shape.

Today I headed out to the Granite Creek Trail. I knew I couldn’t make to the Granite Lakes but I aimed to reach the bridge (over Granite Creek – see below) about two miles. I did reach the bridge and I had a great time along the way.

Granite Creek Bridge

As above, there are view points along the way and the first 1.5 miles are reasonably steep. I made it OK and I felt that worked out well.

I hope to bike tomorrow and we will see how it all plays out – it’s summer in the PNW!