Rattlesnake Mountain/Middle Ledge 11/13/2018

View from the Ledge
View from the Ledge

Another beautiful morning and I am in training mode – training for the hiking trip to Ireland I am taking next year with Derek – so I got out again and did a moderate hike starting at the Rattlesnake Lake side of Rattlesnake Mountain and going up to the middle ledge.

It was a neat 2 hour hike, a good workout (not a great workout) and every hike takes me closer to my goal of being able to do the Wicklow Way hike we are going to do.

Derek and I are going to start in the foothills of the Wicklow Mountains in Ireland, south of Dublin (near Glendalough where Jan and I visited earlier this year) and work our way north, hiking, successively, 19, 18 and 16 miles, ending up in South Dublin.

This is mountainous and hilly terrain and I need to be in good enough shape to do it.  My goal is to average 3 hikes a week between now and when we leave (the very end of August 2019) and drop some weight as well.

We shall see how it goes but so far, so good.

Along the way today I noticed a fairly dense network of graffiti on one of the two bridges along the way:

Graffiti Bridge
Graffiti Bridge

Also, on the ledge, for a change I turned around and looked north and west – I love the forest on Rattlesnake Mountain:

Forest View
Forest View

I hope to get out on Thursday as well, and if not (weather forecast is pretty wet right now) on Saturday for sure.