An Actual Winter – Feb 2019


Last night into this morning we had our fourth snow storm in the past week and so I had to shovel the driveway, sidewalk, and steps for the fourth time in the past week. Ouch.

And today was the worst. The latest addition was about 7″ and it was wet and heavy. My back is feeling it after 2.5 hours this morning moving the stuff around.


At a certain point it felt like I would never be done but if you just keep shoveling it is finally over. For this round. Decent workout but not as good or as fun as hiking. No hikes in the past week as getting to the trails is a challenge.


The neighborhood looks nice but everyone fears falling trees.


Not sure when this is going to end. I plan to snow shoe to the grocery store tomorrow morning. I will bring my (large) backpacking backpack to haul the stuff back. I hope at least one of the local stores is open.