I did the Zig Zag Trail today and then went back via the service road, NF9021. Total of about 7.2 miles. Zig Zag is steep, 1350 feet in a mile, so it is a nice workout, even if the route from the top of Zig Zag back down to the car is fairly easy.
Beautiful day. I started up the trail just after 6am but even so, my sweat band was soaked by the time I got to the top of Zig Zag.
Plenty of views, including the very nasty sight of shooting galleries along NF9021:

I fail to understand why people feel it is OK to:
a. Illegally do target practice in an areas where you might wind up shooting someone, and
b. Leave your garbage and gun detritus around.
In addition to the shells and cartridge cases, they leave beer cans, other debris – it is like a junk yard in some areas. Yuck.
But when you aren’t looking at the crap you get to look at some nice mountains:

Not sure where I am going to go on Monday but one possibility is Dirty Harry’s Peak, a notoriously rocky and steep hike to a nice summit.