Pratt Balcony 9/4/2024

Pratt Balcony

I finally got out on a trail again, Pratt Balcony. What a relief. I have been rehabbing my right foot per the direction of the PT and, at least for now, it seems to be helping. I am hoping to get out somewhere again on Friday. I will keep building up.

Pratt Balcony has a great view, as above. But I also love the hike itself, as it is entirely through beautiful second growth forest:

A mood-lifting outing.

Christmas Lake 7/28/2024

Rattlesnake Ledges

I finally was able to get out to the mountains and forest today. My last hike was OK until the next morning when my arthritic foot acted up. Depressing. I have been exercising it (per the PT therapist’s direction) and icing it and I tried it out again today. What I did was about the same length as the Granite Creek hike but not as steep.

As of now, a couple of hours after the end of the hike, foot is still fine. I am hoping it stays that way tomorrow as well.

It was a fun outing, I went partway up the Cedar Butte trail, then went back via Christmas Lake (below):

Christmas Lake/Rattlesnake Mountain

And then up to the Education Center and back.

There was a huge marathon going on, the Jack and Jill Downhill Marathon so the place was busy. I have to be impressed with people who can run 26 miles. Respect!

Granite Creek Trail 7/15/2024

Moolock Mountain

After several weeks of physical therapy (PT) I felt ready to head out to the mountains but not in shape to do anything truly strenuous. I will be working up to that. My PT therapist suggested cross-training so I got my bike fixed (new tires and inner tubes) and, if I don’t wimp out, I will be taking the inflatable kayak out as well.

So, biking, hiking, and kayaking. If I am not too lazy to make it all happen I should be getting into better shape.

Today I headed out to the Granite Creek Trail. I knew I couldn’t make to the Granite Lakes but I aimed to reach the bridge (over Granite Creek – see below) about two miles. I did reach the bridge and I had a great time along the way.

Granite Creek Bridge

As above, there are view points along the way and the first 1.5 miles are reasonably steep. I made it OK and I felt that worked out well.

I hope to bike tomorrow and we will see how it all plays out – it’s summer in the PNW!

Oyster Dome Juneteenth 2024

Oyster Dome

Now that my foot is doing better I am determined to make up for lost time. Today, to better prepare for my volunteer shift on Saturday for Washington Trails Day, I drove north to do the Oyster Dome hike. What a beautiful day!

We will be at the Oyster Dome (and Lily Lake) trail head on Saturday and I wanted to make sure I could find it and I wanted to be able to tell any hikers who might ask about this hike.

As for this hike it is 4.35 miles and about 1100 feet of elevation gain. It is a nice hike, well maintained trail, and it alternates between fairly level terrain and modestly steep switchbacks. It is a good workout. And 3 hours 15 minutes on the trail with no pain.

The trail itself is entirely in the forest, a very nice 2nd growth forest but Oyster Dome itself (see above) has a tremendous view.

Here is a sample of the trail:

Along The Trail

And here is a view from the parking lot – not bad for not having to hike at all:

Bellingham Bay

From where I live it is about 70 miles, the last four or so on a dirt road. So it takes a little effort to get there but is well worth it..

I will be back on Saturday greeting hikers. It was crowded today (perhaps because it is Juneteenth) and I expect a lot of people on Saturday. Should be fun.

The track:


Teneriffe/Si Father’s Day 2024

Derek and Camden

Today, Father’s Day, 6/16/2024 I did a hike with Derek and Cam, starting on the Teneriffe Trail, cutting over via Roaring Creek to where it intersects the Talus Loop Trail where we turned around and went back. We did that instead of pushing on because Cam’s heels were getting very sore. Ouch!

Cam stayed with us last night, we had a great time, and we met his dad at the Preston Park and Ride. I drove from there to Teneriffe.

We were prepared for rain and it was a bit rainy, but not bad, particularly in the forest:

The Forest

About 4.2 miles and two hours. I am now in Physical Therapy for my arthritic foot and it might be helping as I had no pain today at all.

There may be hope.

Middle Fork 5/11/2024

Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie River

I don’t think this qualifies as a hike – we only went about 2 miles – but Jan and I visited the Middle Fork on Saturday. It was great to get back out to the mountains and the forest. My arthritic foot did not suffer. I figure to get out to the mountains next week at least a couple of times and see how much I can push it.

As for mountains:

Quartz Mountain

And when we got home Brittany invited us over for dinner in honor of Mother’s Day:

Dean and His Admirers

And today, on Mother’s Day, Jan and I drove up to the city of Snohomish to check out the various antique shops there. The shops are nice but we were unprepared for how crowded the town was. We are far from the only people to choose Snohomish on Mother’s Day. But it was a nice time and we got back safe and sound.

Tolt-McDonald Park 4/19/2024


I went to Tolt-McDonald park in Carnation today. This week I got the bad news that the problem with my foot is incurable. I have arthritis in my right foot. My doctor confirmed that arthritis is ‘manageable’ but not curable.

So, it appears my days of serious hiking are over. I am medically allowed 1 hour hikes/walks to begin with and over time I should be able to ramp up a bit. I also have to wear orthotics. I did get a pair of Super Feet as well as an orthotic from Dr. Scholl’s.

I was kind of bummed and feeling sorry for myself as I started my mini-hike. Eventually, though, I forced myself to cheer up. It was a beautiful spring day, mid-60’s and sunny, I was in a (small) forest on a decent trail. I felt compelled to perk up a bit.

The bridge in the photo above spans a nice river:

Snoqualmie River

This park is fairly large and features a number of campsites and several yurts to make overnight stays a little easier than pitching a tent:


So, it could be worse, I guess.

Christmas Lake 3/30/2024

Christmas Lake

After more than a month of staying away from the mountains and treating my (apparentlly) stress-fractured right foot with anti-inflammatory gel and ice and a compression brace I couldn’t take it anymore and I drove to the Cedar Falls parking lot and did the Christmas Lake hike.

What I did today is just a bit more strenuous than what I have been doing on my neighborhood walks but here is the difference:

Christmas Lake from the North

Rattlesnake Lake (still very low water level)

Anyway, tomorrow is also supposed to be nice and if my foot continues to fell not-so-bad, I will get out again somewhere.

Garfield Ledges 2/13/2024

View from the Upper Ledge

After a week of nursing and icing and semi-resting my right foot I ventured out to the Middle Fork to Garfield Ledges. It was a beautiful day with a great view and, to my great relief, my foot was just fine. I think it is a type of tendinitis so (I hope) if I continue to treat it with respect I will soon be able to go anywhere, and not jut on a 3.22 mile hike like today.

View Along the Trail

Track below.


Olallie Trail 2/3/2024

Rattlesnake Mountain

I got out today and went up the Cedar Butte Trail to Saddle Junction and headed SE down the Southside Trail. I took that to Olallie Trail and headed back down to the PTC Trail and back to the car. About 6 miles. A good hike but for one thing: shortly after heading down the Olallie Trail my right foot started to hurt.

I wound up limping back the 3 miles to the car. Ouch. It has been hard to walk ever since, but I am hopeful that Ibuprofen and ice and elevating the leg will help. I do NOT want to deal with an injury at any time but particularly not when I have been able to get out on the mountain trails again.

Mossy Trees

Track below.
