J’s Landing 7/3/2021

Looking Up At J’s Landing

I wanted to do something early and relatively quick, to get up and down before the heat. I hit the trail at about 6:15 and was back to the car by 8:45 – about 4.25 miles, up the Change Creek Trail to J’s Landing and back down. A few weeks ago when I did this trail there were several very nasty blowdowns along the trail but today not much of a problem. Some trail angel got rid of the worst of the blowdowns. Many thanks whoever you are.

The way up was relatively cool, as the clouds were blocking the sun. They were low; I was in them at J’s:

In The Clouds

Nevertheless, this trail is enough of a workout that I totally soaked a sweat band going up.

A nice workout. My overnight camping trip has been moved to August 5, a hike on Thursday, camp at Lake Easton State Park, and then a hike on Friday. Should be awesome. I am thinking that Friday will be Kendall Katwalk but I am undecided on Thursday. Somewhere around Exit 85, I think.

Nice view on the way up of clouds and sun:

Clouds and Sun

And the wildflowers are beautiful all over:

Tom Petty Flowers

The track:
