Annette Lake 7/8/2021

Annette Lake

I did a nice one today, Annette Lake. At the end I did, for the first time, the Asahel Curtis Nature trail. The trail head for this little interpretive loop is right next to the Annette Lake trail head. The little trail is nice, perfectly fit for kids or out-of-towners or anyone who wants to experience a forest trail without having to lug their butt up a long, steep trail. There are a dozen plaques along the trail that show you what you are looking at – Douglas Fir, Red Cedar, wetlands, etc. etc. It is nice.

Annette Lake is a very popular destination. On weekends it is jammed, impossible to find a place to park. Cars line the service road for a long way.

But I pulled in today about 5:45 am and only one car was in the lot, I presume an overnight backpacker or two. Anyway, I saw no one on the way up and about a dozen or so people on the way down. I also saw no one on the nature trail.

About 7.75 miles, 2K elevation gain, a beautiful walk through the forest to a gorgeous sub-alpine lake. The lake is surrounded by mountains and, when you are only one there, totally peaceful. Nice!

Abiel Peak

One of the Locally Famous Avalanche Chutes

Locally Famous Log Bridge