I got my car back on Friday, 1/27. Finally! And the forecast for today was sunny and cold so I headed out to a moderate hike (four months without hiking means I need to work my way back into trail shape) in the Middle Fork. What a beautiful day and a beautiful area.
I went up to the Pratt Balcony (see view above) and on the way down I turned right, west, on the CCC trail, to check out the creek just past the Pratt Balcony trail. I could hear it talking to me as I hiked up to the balcony but where it crosses the CCC trail it was boulder-hopping but no problem with the water. So I kept going.
I went a bit more than 2 miles on the CCC Trail and I discovered that it is in pretty good shape:
There were a few nice views on the way and it is always special to spend time in the forest:
Just under 6 miles altogether. Only 600 feet of elevation gain to the Balcony but that’s OK. I will work my way up until I can do some really nice hikes this summer. I am an old man and I need the workout.
Track below.