Granite Mountain 10/1/2016

Meadow near summit
Meadow near summit

I did a nice group hike yesterday with six other guys.   For once, I was not the oldest. David is 73 and he took the toughest route to the summit and is fit enough to have done a seven-day, 25K elevation gain bike ride around Oregon a couple of weeks ago.  What a great inspiration.

I finally chugged up to the lookout tower at the summit for a short break before we headed back down:

Short break at base of lookout
Short break at base of lookout

Granite Mountain is not an easy hike but it is definitely loads of fun.  The views yesterday were not terrible but we could only see a little bit of Rainier:

Looking south from summit
Looking south from summit
I-90 and friends
I-90 and friends

I was very careful going down, as the top half of the trail is very rocky and it would be easy for me to take a nasty fall.  The meadow near the summit features wild blueberries (tasty!) and beautiful fall foliage.  We made good time:

Hiking down
Hiking down

When Derek and I hiked Granite this summer we showed about 8.3 miles, today the Garmin had it at only 7.8 miles round-trip.  But we did take a slightly different route to the summit, going up and down, plus Derek and I wandered around the summit area.  Today, we stayed put by the lookout.

Anyway here is the visualization link:

3,809 feet elevation gain, about 4 hours 50 minutes, a wonderful fall hike.