Island Lake 8/22/2022

Island Lake

I did a new hike today, up the Pratt Lake Trail to Island Lake. And I discovered why this alpine lake is named as it is. (because it has tiny islands)

The hike starts at the Pratt Lake Trail trail head off exit 47. This is the trail you start on for Granite Mountain. I think I will save this year’s Granite outing for a day when it is a might cooler. It peaked at about 85 today.

I was on the trail at 7:10. This is a long and excellent hike. Round trip it is 11.8 miles. The first 4 or so miles are in nice forest but there are no real views to speak of. But just as you round Olallie Lake, far below, there is a great view of Olallie and, way down south, Rainier:

Olallie Lake and Rainier

Rainier is quite visible with the naked eye but, alas, not so much for my camera. After this view point, which is at 3,700 feet, the trail steepens until it peaks at about 4550 feet. About .3 mile beyond this view point the trail splits. If you take the right fork you head down to Pratt Lake (I will check it out on another day) but I took the left fork, which is signed for Island Lake.

This portion of the trail, just over 1.5 miles, is fabulous. There are repeated views of the surrounding forest and mountains:

Viewing the Neighbors

The trail itself is pretty easy to follow. There is a bit of a challenge as you get closer to Island Lake as you have to boulder-hop a bit down a talus field. Of course, it is a steep section on the way up.

Anyway, it is a great hike and a really good workout.

Which reminds me. On the way home I had to stop to pick up a couple of things at the grocery store. Having hiked almost 12 miles up and down a reasonably steep trail, I was a bit stiff when I got out of my car. I was hobbling more than walking for the first few steps. A young guy passed me, breezily, and said: “It’s tough to get old!” I replied: “Especially after you have just done a 12 mile hike in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness.”

He had no comeback for that.

Track below.

Anyway, a great workout and a beautiful experience.
