I went up the Poo Poo Point Trail to the 3-way intersection, turned east on RR Grade Trail – saw an old section of rail:
Went down Section Line (including most of the ultra-steep section) and then back via the Adventure Trail. About 8 miles, a nice loop, great workout. Track below:
Same old conditioning hike this morning, but Jan is now mobile enough to navigate the upstairs of our house alone, so I was able to sneak out early and do this little hike.
A decent workout. I am hoping to be able to hike Sourdough Mountain sometime this summer. This is a notoriously difficult hike. The first 2 miles have an elevation gain of 3K. The gain on the hike itself is 5K. 10 or 11 miles, up to an awesome summit.
Anyway, that will take some training so here we go.
Brittany came over to care for her mom today so I was able to slip out for a quick conditioning hike on Tiger Mountain. A good workout, these old bones need the exercise, and, as always, a nice way to start the day.
Jan had total knee replacement surgery on Tuesday, 1/12/2021 and she is in a lot of pain and requires constant care. Our daughter Brittany and her husband Christopher came over this morning and Christopher and I did a hike while Brittany cared for her mom.
It was a great hike. Christopher is not a regular hiker and he got blisters because his boots are not quite right for the trail. But he did great.
We went up Cedar Butte to Southside Trail and took that to Olallie. Here is the rope that Derek and I put up a couple of weeks ago:
The rope was a big help on this little hill – it is much steeper than it looks in 2D.
We passed a really nice rock, dripping with recent rain, on the way back:
Wet Rock
Here is the track, 6.2 miles, surely a much better way to spend the morning than on the couch!
Carl and I planned to hike up the Poo Poo Point Trail to the One View and Poo Top trails all the way to West Tiger #1 but when we got to the intersection with the RR Grade trail my hip was hurting so we turned around.
I sure hope the hip is just a blip (sorry) and not the beginning of something nasty.
About 7 miles out-and-back, surely it beat sitting on the couch (unless I aggravated some hip injury….)
I did my usual Tiger Mountain/Section Line conditioning hike today. It was raining the entire time but, of course, the forest stops most of it from pelting the hikers. And trail runners.
The hike took about 2 hrs and 20 minutes and during that time I saw four or five hikers but close to three dozen trail runners. They were thicker than ants on a pear.
As for Round Lake, I took a photo in October when it was low and said I would try again in January, April, and July. I am sure that October will take the prize for smallest, but it will be a contest between January and April for the largest. My money is on April but we shall see.
Until mid-2017 or so, there was a little creek you had to ford, perhaps .3 mile from the junction of the Section Line and the Nook connector trail. The trail was closed while they spanned the creek with the Trillium Bridge and now it is a snap to get across even when it is running high, like this:
Trillium Creek on Steroids
No other hikes this week because I had a medical procedure that tied up three days. I had to get a Covid test on Tuesday (“not present”) and then quarantine until the procedure on Thursday.
And Jan is getting a knee replacement on January 12, which will be painful for her as she rehabs, and will put a crimp in my hiking, as she will need constant care for awhile.
I will get in as much hiking as I can in the meantime.
Derek and I did a great hike today, 8.6 miles, Olallie Trail via Cedar Butte and the Southside Trail. Yesterday, I purchased 200 feet of rope and today, on a very steep and nasty little stretch on the Southside we doubled up the rope along the trail so anyone coming after us (including us), particularly when it gets icy, will have a nice handhold:
Roping Up
A very nice workout and we only saw a very few people. In fact, on the way up to the view point, we saw only 2 people. The Olallie Trail, which is primarily for mountain bikes, is excellent:
Derek on the Olallie Trail
Near the view point, it is pretty steep when you look down:
Carl and I hiked to Poo Poo Point the long way, starting at the East Sunset Way lot and it was a great workout and lots of fun. About 8.5 miles, 2K elevation gain, 4 hours. We saw no one on the way up (we started out at 7:15 am, headlamp time around here these days) and perhaps two dozen people on the way down.
There was some snow on the way:
Snowy TrailCarl on the Trail
As always, there are plenty of awesome mossy trees:
Mossy Trees
All in all a great way to start the day. Here is the track:
Derek and I were going to do Grand Prospect but he had a schedule issue so we wound doing only about 6 miles but it was still fun, still a nice workout and still worth it. But I am sad to report that, for now, the beautiful snow up there is gone. Perhaps next time.