Raging River State Forest 2/21/2020

The Raging Forest

This sounds like a new hike but it is just Rattlesnake Mountain. Hiked today with Ken, Mark, Mike, Greg and John.

The Rattlesnake Mountain Trail is still the Rattlesnake etc. trail, but ever since they finished putting in all the mountain bike trails there are signs advertising the area as Raging River State Forest.

I am not sure I have ever seen any rivers in the immediate area raging, but I must not be hiking in the right place.

At one point, there were three signs pointing out where to go:


This is the same hike I did with Carl a couple of weeks ago. 8 mile up and down, about 2K elevation gain, not a lot of views on the way (and none today, it was rainy) but plenty of awesome forest and it is a fun workout.

It is not a killer hike but it is a much better workout than my typical hour on the treadmill or 5 mile neighborhood walk.

More rain forecast next week but spring is on the way.